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Friday, October 01, 2010

Where is the music?

Yesss! I did get a digital camera from a dear friend in August when I went to Budapest and I do have loadz of new pics from the past few months - now just would need a laptop so that I can work with them, instead of this one which is kinda dying, and a bit more time to fiddle around with them...

But today, I might be a photo subject in Stockholm. If you happen to be around and take some shots of me, please do send me a copy.

Today, 1st of October is International Music Day, which has been celebrated worldwide for 35 years.

Can someone tell me snälla, where do I find information about how it is held in Sweden? I can't find anything about it in the news or event calendars, which makes me quite sad... (just between us, because many of you ask why am I moving back to Hungary from here: lack of music life in Sweden is one of the main reasons...).

Probably I will need to go out myself and do some singing... It's beautiful sunshine here in Stockholm after all, and around town there are some places with great acoustics, like the Parliament, streets of Gamla stan, spots in the subway... Perhaps in front of the Royal Palace? That must sound really royal!

Welcome to some of my shows, if you are around, just follow the voice :-)

For those who will have to miss this very special live experience, here's a few tunes, enjoy:

<a href="">Erre gyere, rózsám (This Way, Sweetheart!) by Andrea Gerak</a>

ps: Booking info


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Photo pause


The worst thing that can happen with a photographer: being without a camera... My little one was stolen a few days ago here in Stockholm... Soooo many things are happening these days with the Stockholm Kulturfestival - but no photo reportage from my part, sorry :-( Yesterday I saw probably the best ever concert of my life with Esma Redzepova, but the camera of my phone didn't really excel to catch the Legend Of The Balkans...
A legrosszabb dolog, ami történhet egy fotóssal, ha fényképezőgép nélkül van... Az enyémet pár napja ellopták itt, Stockholmban... Annyi dolog történik ezekben a napokban a Stockholm Kulturális Fesztiválon - de nem lesz tőlem fotóriport, elnézést :-( Tegnap életem talán legeslegjobb koncertjét láttam Esma Redzepovával, de a mobilommal nem igazán tudtam jó képeket készíteni a Balkán Legendájáról...

And tonight is the Midnattsloppet (Midnight Run)...
És ma lesz a Midnattsloppet (Éjféli Futóverseny)...

Well, while I get a new camera (next week I will be in Hungary and hopefully I'll get another machine), enjoy my older pictures :-)
Addig is, amíg szert teszek egy új gépre (jövő héten Magyarországon leszek, és remélhetőleg lesz másik), nézegessétek a régebbi képeimet :-)

Do you like to travel? Would love to?

Sunday, August 01, 2010

On Stockholm Pride

No, don't expect photos of the Stockholm Pride from me which is the biggest event of these weeks here: I think that how and with whom one likes to make love (which is the most intimate thing there is) doesn't belong to the streets and media in loud demonstrations...
Ne várjatok tőlem fotókat a stockholmi melegfelvonulásról, ami pedig hatalmas rendezvény: azt gondolom, hogy az, ki hogyan és kivel szeret szeretkezni (ami a létező legbensőbb magánügy), nem tartozik az utcára és a médiára hangos megnyilvánulások formájában...

The most beautiful thing, LOVE between 2 people, a private matter, becoming reduced to sex and is a public, political and business affair, a very fashionable, over-publicized topic.
A leggyönyörűbb dolog, a két ember közötti SZERELEM leredukálódik szexre, és politika + üzlet válik belőle, egy igen divatos, túllihegett téma.

This is just my personal opinion - and for an opinion like this, one is already considered homophobe here in Sweden and the media would tear apart a public person for such words and that is sick.
Ez csak az én személyes véleményem és egy ilyen véleményért máris homofóbnak bélyegzik meg az embert itt, Svédországban, és a média darabokra szedne érte egy közszereplőt - és az a beteg dolog.

But you are welcome to look around in my previous posts for some awesome pix, and enjoy this beautiful summer Sunday :-)
De nyugodtan nézegessetek szuper képeket a korábbi posztjaimban, és élvezzétek ezt a gyönyörű nyári vasárnapot :-)

Do you like to travel? Would love to?

Friday, July 09, 2010

Uploading pics

Hi everybody, thanks to all who are following my blog in some way! These weeks I have sooo many new photos that I just can't keep up with uploading, not to mention posting here... Right now I am cleaning up my hard drive and uploading all my pics to Flickr so that I can work with them from there. In the meantime, have a visit over there!
Sziasztok, köszönöm mindenkinek, aki valamilyen módon követi a blogomat! Ezekben a hetekben annyi új fotóm van, hogy nem győzöm őket feltölteni, nem beszélve arról, hogy itt még írjak is róluk. Most éppen a gépemen végzek nagytakarítást, és minden képet a Flickrre rakok fel, hogy aztán onnan dolgozhassak velük. Addig is, látogassatok meg ott!

AndreaGerak's items tagged with stockholm More of AndreaGerak's stuff tagged with stockholm

Do you like to travel? Would love to?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Swedish Royal Wedding

A svéd királyi esküvő

The wedding of Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling (now Prince Daniel of Sweden, Duke of Västergötland) yesterday, on 19 June 2010, was definitely the greatest event I have seen since I live here in Stockholm!
Tegnap, 2010. június 19-én volt Svédország trónörökösnőjének (egyes fordításokban koronahercegnőjének), Victoriának és Daniel Westlingnek (mostantól Daniel Svéd Hercegnek, Västergötland Hercegének) esküvője. Kétségtelenül a legnagyszerűbb esemény, amióta Stockholmban élek! 

Swedish Royal Wedding - 6
"The Best Summer Place" - says the Kulturhuset ("House of Culture"), the big social, cultural and community center in the middle of the city

Swedish Royal Wedding - 2
Waiting at Sergels Torg

Swedish Royal Wedding - 3
Gotta put your crowns on for this big day!

Somebody's gotta oversee the whole operation. They sure had a great view!

Swedish Royal Wedding - 14

Swedish Royal Wedding - 12
Crowded Kungstradgarden, people watching the wedding ceremony

Swedish Royal Wedding - 10

Swedish Royal Wedding - 11
That's how much we could see on the screens (And that's how much I could conceal the unsightly heads in the background)

The Big Moments of Victoria and Daniel, in the Storkyrkan (Great Church)

Swedish Royal Wedding - 7
Some of the cutest moments

Swedish Royal Wedding - 8

Everybody is excited, on the ground, on the water and in the air...


The Royal Castle





The newly-wed couple already in the Castle

The Crown Princess and her now royal husband should live forever after, like in the fairy tales - and let's see who is next to marry: her sister Madeleine or brother Philip?

All photos by Andrea Gerak. Photo licensing, business enquiries, general requests or questions that wouldn't fit into a comment here:

Although the following doesn't really fit to a reportage on a royal wedding, you might want to have a look, for travel (and life) is much easier, if you have this info:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lamborghinis and Batmobil for KISS

After AC/DC a few days ago, KISS is in Stockholm and Kool & the Gang too!. Yesterday the legendary boys with the masks met fans for a little party.
Néhány nappal ezelőtt az AC/DC járt Stockholmban, most pedig a KISS van itt és a Kool & The Gang! Tegnap a legendás maszkos fiúk buliztak egy kicsit a rajongókkal. (Talán régimódi vagyok? de a partizás nem áll a nyelvemre, a partizánra asszociálok róla...)

They stay at Grand Hotel, where a crowd of fans, seemingly VIPs, reporters and accidental passers by (like myself in this case) gathered, clicking their cameras industriously.
A Grand Hotelben laknak, ahol rajongók, minden bizonnyal VIP-k, riporterek és arra vetődő járókelők (mint jómagam ebben az esetben) gyűltek össze, szorgalmasan kattintgatva kameráikat.  

There was certainly a reason for all the flash lights: a couple of exclusive Lamborghinis (pronounce: lahm-bohr-ghee-nee, not with "gee"!!!) - AND a Batmobile!
Alapos indoka volt a sok vakuzásnak: egy pár exkluzív Lamborghini (ejtsd: "lam-bor-gi-ni", és nem "dzsi"!!!) - ÉS egy Batmobil!

The band took these beauties to Café Opera (which is about 3 min walk...), and the Batmobile was for Gene Simmons' son.
A banda ezekkel a gyönyörűségekkel ment át a Café Operába (ami 3 percnyi séta), a denevérautó pedig Gene Simmons fiának dukált.   

Lamborghini for the KISS in Stockholm - 1

Lamborghini for the KISS in Stockholm - 3

Lamborghini for the KISS in Stockholm - 2

Lamborghini for the KISS in Stockholm - 4

The Batmobile front:
A Batmobil eleje:

Batmobile - 1

With the obligatory babes:
A kötelező csajokkal:

Batmobile - 2

One more of the rear:
Még egy a hátuljáról:

Batmobile - 4

And the whole thing:
És az egész:

Batmobile - 3

BTW, just as a side note: the tabloid Expressen reported it as "Chaos around KISS", saying things like they left the hotel "with more than one hour delay, at 11pm" (the caravan in fact left around 9:45, I was keeping an eye on my watch, wanted to check out a concert that started at 10...), "several police patrols had to be called to try to keep order of the hundreds of fans crowded outside" (I have not even seen ONE police man, at least not in uniform, and yes, it was maybe a crowd of 100-150 people, all together...), "when the boys sat in the special cars, a chaos broke out" and "the police had to disperse the crowd so that the caravan could drive away" (WHAT? there was no any problem, I haven't even heard any girls screaming or such, no tumultuous scene, no any police intervention - in fact, I was busy with taking photos of one car, when I had to recognize at all that the boys were already in the other cars and drove off, didn't even have time to find a good spot and set my camera to video mode...)

Mere BS, excuse my French, Expressen! Once I read somebody called the mainstream media "merchants of chaos" - well, wouldn't this be a perfect example of that? Which makes me think of what else is true of all that they write...

Csak úgy mellesleg: az Expressen nevű bulvárlap úgy számolt be erről az eseményről, hogy "Káosz a KISS körül", ilyesmiket állítva, hogy este 11-kor hagyták el a szállodát, több mint egy óra késéssel" (valójában 9:45 körül; figyeltem az órámat, mert oda akartam érni egy 10-kor kezdődő koncertre...), "több rendőri egységet ki kellett vezényelni az összegyűlt többszázas tömeg megfékezésére" (EGYETLENEGY rendőrt sem láttam, legalábbis egyenruhásat nem, és igen, volt ott vagy összesen 100-150 ember...), "amikor a fiúk beültek a különleges autókba, káosz tört ki", és "a rendőrségnek fell kellett oszlatnia a tömeget, hogy a karaván elindulhasson" (Mi-i-i? semmi probléma nem volt, nem hallottam lányokat sikítozni vagy hasonlókat, nem volt tömegjelenet, egyáltalán semmilyen rendőri beavatkozás - szépen elbíbelődtem, hogy fotózzam az egyik autót, amikor észrevettem, a srácok már beültek a többibe, és elindultak; még arra se volt időm, hogy találjak egy jó helyet, és videóra állítsam a gépemet...)

Baromság, már bocs, Expressen! Egyszer olvastam, hogy valaki "a káosz kalmárainak" nevezte a mainstream médiát - hát, ez nem volna tökéletes példa erre? Ami elgondolkoztat: vajon mi igaz mindabból, amiket írnak?

I guess the two KISS concerts will be awesome, though, tonight at Stockholm's Stadium, tomorrow in Malmö's.
De gondolom, a két KISS koncert szuper lesz; ma a stockholmi stadionban, holnap a malmöiben.

Photo licensing, business enquiries, general requests or questions that wouldn't fit into a comment here:


Psst! Travel (and life) is much easier, if you have this info:

Photo products and Licensing:


If you don't find what you are looking for, please email me, also for business enquiries, performing, interview or general requests, questions that wouldn't fit into a comment:

Monday, May 31, 2010

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010

Since my 4 years I have spent in Sweden, one of my greatest experiences was this concert last Friday: Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz Festival.

The internationally touring brilliant singer put an outstanding show on the stage, featuring her outstanding vocals conveyed with passion and communication, great stage presence, remarkable musicians and vocalists, songs that gave chills, tears or joy to the audience, making them clapping, tapping, singing along, laughing, or submerging deep in their thoughts and emotions, evoked by the melodies.

A very professional performance and very human in the same time; Elisabeth is a master of keeping contact with the audience in a lovely manner.

Have to mention how respectfully she treated her colleagues on stage: six of them being excellent young talents (three of them in fact her sons!), and despite of that we could witness a few first time performances, such as the opening song, each performer did a great job. Apparently all of them on the stage enjoyed every minute of the show, just as did the audience.

Lead Vocals : Elisabeth Kontomanou
Drums : Donald Kontomanou
Bass : Lars Ekman
Piano : Pelle Karlström
Guitar : Erik Söderlind
Guitar : Joey Belmondo
Backing Vocals : Pixie Jakobsson
Backing Vocals : Christine Sundberg
Special Guest : Gustav Karlström

To get a little taste, open Elisabeth Kontomanu's MySpace and play the songs while looking at the photos.

Huddinge Jazz 2010

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 4

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 6

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 7

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 1

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 2

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 9

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 13

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 12

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 8

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 10

Elisabeth Kontomanou at Huddinge Jazz 2010 - 11

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