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Friday, November 30, 2007

Afternoon at City Hall

Listen to little birdie's station

So as I said the Stockholm City Hall is a beautiful place and if you have just a half an hour to kill on a sunny afternoon, perfect.
Tehát, amint mondtam, a stockholmi városháza csodálatos hely, és ha van egy elverni való félórád napos délután, tökéletes.

A few things that you see:
Néhány dolog, amit láthatsz:




Friday, November 23, 2007

Archades of City Hall

Listen to little birdie's station

On a sunny afternoon, one thing to do in Stockholm is to visit the City Hall.
Egy napsütéses délután kellemes elfoglaltság meglátogatni a Városházát.

Arcades of Stockholm City Hall 5

Arcades of Stockholm City Hall 4

Arcades of Stockholm City Hall 2

Arcades of Stockholm City Hall 1

Arcades of Stockholm City Hall 3

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Manniska och pelare

Listen to little birdie's station

Oops, I missed the Subway Day!
O-ó, lekéstem a Metró Napot!

So now I found something from the Mariatorget subway station here in Stockholm.
Most találtam két képet a stockholmi Mariatorget metróállomásról.

A statue by Louise Sundell or Asmund Arle - I couldn't figure it out from the description who made it.
Egy szobor - de a leírásból enm tudtam kiokoskodni, kinek az alkotása: Louise Sundell é vagy Asmund Arle-é.



Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Little boy in Hagsatra

Listen to little birdie's station

A little boy riding his horse in Hagsätra, a southern suburb of Stockholm.
Egy kisfiú lovagol Hagsätraban, Stockholm egyik déli külvárosában.

Little boy in Stockholm, Hagsatra

Monday, November 05, 2007

A passage in Gamla stan

Listen to little birdie's station

A passage in Myntgatan, the exact building which is on that other picture.
Egy átjáró a Myntgatanról, az az épület, amelyik a másik képen látható.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

End of August

Listen to little birdie's station

These days I am busy with playing around with our new super-duper machine: it can print, copy, scan and everything, also print CDs. So I take a lot of time to make experiments with it, it's so exciting!
Ezekben a napokban el vagyok foglalva az új, hiper-szuper masinánkkal: nyomtat, másol, szkennel meg minden, CD-re is nyomtat. Úgyhogy sok időt töltök a kísérletezgetéssel, olyan izgalmas!

Now just one picture I took at the end of August (and it helps to remember me that there is such a thing as blue sky...)
Most csak egy kép, amit még augusztus végén készítettem (és ami segít arra emlékeznem, hogy létezik kék ég...)

You get on one of the subway lines going to the West, get off at the end station (Hasselby Strand), and after a few minutes walk, you see such views:
Felül az ember az egyik nyugati irányú metróra, és leszáll a végállomáson (Hasselby Strand), majd pár perc séta után ilyet lát:

View from Hasselby strand, Stockholm

Friday, August 31, 2007

Subway art at Hasselby strand

Listen to little birdie's station

Probably the largest art exhibition of the world: the subway stations of Stockholm, with a different piece at each.
Valószínűleg a világ legnagyobb művészeti kiállítása a stockholmi metró, mindegyik állomáson más-más darabbal.

This cute mosaic figure and the picture are on the wall of an end station, Hasselby strand.
Ez a jópofa mozaikfigura és a falon lévő kép a Hasselby strand állomáson látható.

Stockholm subway art work 1.

Stockholm subway art work 2.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Its not right!

Listen to little birdie's station

That's right, it's not right: if you look at this office building, you will find the angles strange, the sides are not paralel. The Wennergrens Center in Stockholm is actually built this way.
Valóban nem derékszög (kár, hogy magyarul nem jön ki jól ez az angol szójáték): ha megnézed ezt az irodaépületet, azt fogod találni, hogy furcsák a szögei, és nem párhuzamosak az oldalai. A Wennergrens Centert Stockholmban így építették.

Wennergrens Center, Stockholm

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Let's have a tea!

Listen to little birdie's station

This time a picture from my home.
Most egy kép itthonról.

Today I was making my morning tea (Japanese Sencha from the best tea shop in town) and that's what I saw:
Ma készítettem a reggeli teámat (japán sencha a város legjobb teaüzletéből), és ezt láttam:

Tea pot

Even discovered a Hungarian coin under the micro, 2 Forints (0.075 SEK or so), only when I looked at the picture...
A képet megnézve még egy kétforintost is felfedeztem a mikró alatt...

Friday, August 24, 2007

Houses in Falugatan

Listen to little birdie's station

Two houses of Falugatan from closer.

House in Falugatan, Stockholm 1.

House in Falugatan, Stockholm3.

House in Falugatan, Stockholm 2.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back in Stockholm!

Listen to little birdie's station

Well, I am back in Stockholm from my Hungary trip since a while, so after catching up with a couple of things, I took a few new pictures here too.
Nos, magyarországi utazásomból már egy ideje visszajöttem Stockholmba, így - miután utolértem magam egy rakás teendőben - itt is készítettem néhány új képet.

Testing a real camera - I mean not a mobile phone camera but a photocamera camera that is only designed for taking photos... We'll see what are the differences.
Éppen kipróbálok egy igazi gépet - úgy értem: csakis fotózásra szánt fényképezőgépet, nem pedig fényképezős mobiltelefont... Meglátjuk majd a különbségeket.

Here are some of the first pictures: Houses in Falugatan
Íme az első néhány kép: Házak a Falu utcán

"Falu" is the name of a Swedish city, and funny enough, in Hungarian this word means "village" :-)
"Falu" egy svédországi város neve, nem pedig a magyar "falu" szó :-)

Houses in Falugatan 4.

Houses in Falugatan 6.

Houses in Falugatan 5.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A patch of blue sky

Listen to little birdie's station

Claude, after the sunrays here is the patch of blue sky you asked for :-)
Claude, a napsugarak után itt van a kék égfolt, amit kértél :-)

Stockholm in June

This is from the same spot as this photo was taken in the winter, and about the same time of the day.
Ugyanarról a helyről készült, mint ez a fotó télen, és körülbelül ugyanabban az időpontban.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sunset from the Gondolen

Listen to little birdie's station

Friday evening I had a nice walk in the city and at the end, I even happened to climb up to the Gondolen (120 or 130 something stairs from Slussen, I don't remember exactly).
Pentek este setaltam egy jot a varosban, es a vegen ugy esett, hogy meg a Gondolara is felmasztam (szazhuszon- vagy harmincvalamennyi lepcso, mar nem emlekszem pontosan).

There is a restaurant & bar up there, always crowded of course, but I was rather interested in the view which would be absolutely worth to climb up for even double as high, even if you don't choose to take the elevator.
Van ott fent egy etterem es bar is, termeszetesen mindig tomve, de engem inkabb a kilatas erdekelt, ami mindenkeppen megerne, meg ha ketszer olyan magasra is kell felmenni, lift nelkul.

Sunset over Stockholm at 10 in the evening.
Naplemente Stockholm felett, este 10-kor.

Summer sunset in Stockholm 2.

Summer sunset in Stockholm 1.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Buried in roses

Listen to little birdie's station

It's disgusting grey outside, so I wanted to have some color and sunshine and I chose a few older photos.
Gusztustalan szurkeseg van odakint, ezert egy kis szint meg napsutest akartam, igy kivalasztottam nehany regebbi kepet.

June in Stockholm: wild roses everywhere
Junius Stockholmban: vadrozsa mindenfele

Wild roses

Stockholm summer

And my favorite: the traffic lamp is completely surrounded by this big bush, as it grew from it.
Es a kedvencem: a lampat teljesen korulveszi ez a nagy bokor, mintha ebbol none ki.

Buried in roses

Friday, July 06, 2007

Summer clouds in Stockholm

Listen to little birdie's station

I have a couple of more photos from the beautiful Tyresta park, but let's go back to the city for a moment and see how is it doing!
Van meg par gyonyoru kepem a Tyrestai parkbol, de menjunk vissza a varosba, nezzuk meg, mi a helyzet!

Sodermalm viewed from Gamla stan
Sodermalm, a Gamla stan felol nezve

Summer clouds in Stockholm

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Picnic by the lake

Listen to little birdie's station

In Tyresta National Park and Nature Reserves near , there are several lakes.

Now it's difficult to select only a few pictures, because I took many beautiful ones...

This was the first lake we saw, still on the way to our picnic place:

Picnic by the lake. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Picnic by the lake. Photos: Andrea Gerak

This one was relatively close to the bus stop and parking lot, but we chose the longer way to another lake, about 4 kilometres away, but it took more than an hour to get there, because of me clicking my little machine all the time... :-)

After I have had only one small sandwich that day and it was already 4 o'clock, a warm day, hiking in also slightly rocky places, it was soooooo wonderful to sit down by the lake, kick off the shoes, tip our feet in the water (now it was fantastic, and not painful cold like here), then have a huge sandwich and some nice salad.

It was just perfect: nice temperature (22 degrees), no noise but birds, wind and water and nobody else around. We even had a little nap: my hubby was sleeping for a whole hour. I woke up earlier and, again, started to click around...

Picnic by the lake. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Picnic by the lake. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Typical summer clouds:

Picnic by the lake. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Picnic by the lake. Photos: Andrea Gerak

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