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Friday, May 16, 2008


You find Eriksdals Bath close to subway station Skanstull. It has a lot of inside pools and in the summer, outside (actually, there is also a little piece of water where you can go out and have a nice massage by the water streams, get some sunshine or simply fresh air - excellent after the sauna!)
Az Eriksdalsfürdőt a Skanstull metróállomáshoz közel találod meg. Sok különféle beltéri medencéje van, náyron kültériek is (igazából télen is van egy kis darab víz, ahová ki lehet menni, megmasszíroztatni magunkat a vízsugarakkal, napozni, vagy egyszerűen friss levegőt szippantani - nagyszerű a szauna után!)


GMG said...

Hi Andrea! Here I am for the weekly visit… and now I'm regularly getting some new pics; the Pink are gorgeous!!
And this wall is quite similar to a wall I'm showing at Blogtrotter; just check it out...
Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

stromsjo said...

Interesting architecture and a good shot.

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